
Summit Director
Kunio Sugihara

“The Maximum Afterglow”

When I was a student, I always loved the so-called “afterglow” of school festivals and sport meets. I didn’t feel like doing anything. All the clamors till the day before seemed like a dream and I would just space out. I was filled with a sense of achievement and a bit of loneliness, and it was such a pleasure to sense my mind and body floating. The more energy you would put into it, the longer such an “afterglow” would last. At worst, it would last for about a month. At those times, I used to like feeling the energy for the next festival was quietly springing within me; “Next time will go beyond this”. That’s right! If not, there is no meaning. So, this time I want to make this summit such a special FESTIVAL that it will give us the greatest-ever afterglow and will blow our minds away. I believe that will lead us to our future . Now, that concludes the 2 years of Sugihara’s Summit is about to begin! Come join us at the theater filled with an energy as hot as summer. I am looking forward to seeing you there.